27 September 2010

silaturahmi ke Purwoharjo

Kemarin (26/09/10) gw n temen2 KKN silaturahmi ke Purwoharjo.. udara yang cukup cerah menghantarkan rombongan melewati lingkungan "rumah" yang 2 bulan ditempati..
sawah yang masih sama, jembatan yang masih sama, pepohonan yang masih sama.. semua belum berubah.. tapi semua itu (kini) gw lewati dengan rasa kangen dan kagum...
2 bulan kebersamaan, 2 bulan penuh pemaknaan.

dan, sekarang, disinilah gw... berkutat dengan apa2 yang gw sebut "reality"

Finally, i'll continue my life and they'll continue their life....
it might be the end, but it will never forgotten

=== case closed ===

25 September 2010

I smell the PETRICHOR...

Petrichor (pronounced /ˈpɛtrɨkər/; from Greek petros "stone" + ichor the fluid that flows in the veins of the gods in Greek mythology) is the name of the scent of rain on dry earth.

The term was coined in 1964 by two Australian researchers, Bear and Thomas, for an article in the journal Nature. In the article, the authors describe how the smell derives from an oil exuded by certain plants during dry periods, whereupon it is absorbed by clay-based soils and rocks. During rain, the oil is released into the air along with another compound, geosmin, producing the distinctive scent. In a follow-up paper, Bear and Thomas (1965) showed that the oil retards seed germination and early plant growth.


24 September 2010

21 September 2010

Sekelumit dari Kisah Kehidupan Nyata (KKN)

Ya, ini adalah postingan pertama gw setelah berabad-abad (rasanya) gak post something di blog ini. Hot topik masih berkutat tentang KKN, yang sekarang maknanya adalah Kisah Kehidupan Nyata..

setelah 2 bulan dijalani, buat gw KKN (ternyata) adalah tentang.....

mencari arti hidup

menikmati "rasa" pertemanan (entah apapun itu)

menikmati kebersamaan
(akhirnya--yang memang berarti di saat-saat terakhir)



dan akhirnya.... mensyukuri
Be glad of life because it gives you the chance to love, to work, to play, and to look up at the stars.
- Henry Van Dyke-


photo by : Sandhika