25 February 2010

Nice trip with Pasti and Sona (kapan ke Jogja lagi?)

Thank God, it's looong weekend again!

By the way, it's almost one month since i had a very nice trip with my little fellows, Pasti and Sona, in Jogja. At first, as bus addicts, they planned to go to Pati just to try a bus named Shantika. Yups, go to Pati just to try a bus! (i don't have any idea about that). But, suddenly the plan was changed and Pasti called me while i was going with my friend to say that they wanted to go to Jogja by Super Executive Ros-In bus.

Here it is.. part of the happy-happy trip in Jogja.. :)

pasti-me-sona (alKid)

and the Craziness begun........................

finally, it's for u, guys!